Friday, 15 August 2008

There are 3 kinds of rejection letters...

a.) the form letters that are a writer's campaign medals, and end up in
the loo, b.) the ones that come with feedback (thoughtful or otherwise),
which might actually be useful, and should be read carefully once the
sting has worn off, and c.) the ones that kick the crap out your day.

c.) are the near misses, the also runs, the ones you were invited to
submit for, did extra work for, had meetings to discuss, and then... no
thanks, can't go any further, not *good* enough.

Guess which one I got today?

I've just slunk into the RFH for a glass of wine - and found the place plagued
by one of the worst cabaret singers I've been unfortunate enough to encounter in
recent years, singing Beatles covers (flat) and a selection from "the shows"


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