Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Colour me impressed!

The Ethiopian script, T'sion, has, in the 2nd and 3rd acts 6 distinct
narrative lines to follow, and I have always found it hard to
concentrate on fine tuning one without fracturing the others, or
breaking the script apart like a engine on the kitchen table.

In the past I have tried tagging and colour coding them on the page to
visualise they way they interact... Or writing 6 different threads and
reintegrating them.

But just like that engine on the kitchen table, I always end up with a
widget that gets left behind.

But I have just started to "grey out" any scenes that don't relate to
the thread I am concentrating on - literally changing the colour of the
words on the screen to the palest grey MSWord can provide. I can still
see the other scenes, I can still calculate the rhythm, the counterpoint
of one character's story against the other, while only editing the
single story as it winds it's way across 8 years and two continents...

Then, when I'm done - highlight the whole document, chose black - and
voilà! the whole script reappears.

I can't believe it took me so long to work this one out!

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