Saturday, 31 May 2008

(no subject)

Last night I keeled over at 11pm, and realised that I had worked 30 of
the previous 40 hours, without meal breaks, (crumbs in the keyboard
again – not good for the laptop or the digestion.

Three more days of this, and the application is handed to the courier at
midday on Monday, with a huge sigh of relieve.

It's sort of gratifying to know that I can still pull the equivalent of
a student all-nighter to get a job done.

Although, in truth, the only genuine all-nighters I have ever pulled
have all involved books – 'Consider Phlebas' by Iain Banks had me
turning pages until the birds were up, likewise CS Forester's
'Lieutenant Hornblower' (in the bath of an Italian hotel), and, once, LA

Otherwise, I was always the one sleeping in the corner – at theatre
get-ins, in night clubs on theatre tours (that's what comes of relying
on the tour bus to get you to bed), at all night Oscar parties.

Actually – the secret to staying awake at Oscar parties? Deserts –
hundreds of them. I made it through Oscars 2004 with the help of 7 puds,
distributed at intervals, including "Green Gollum Jelly" (with jelly
worms embedded in it) and a "Cold Mountain" of vanilla ice-cream (with
little angelica pine trees on it). I saw the show out on a monumental
sugar buzz …

Anyway, here's the work list, with some 10 hours of writing time left:

55 Long Treatment
10 page short Treatment
1/2 Synopsis with log-line
Writers CV
Evidence of ownership of rights
Writers Notes
Producers CV
Producers Notes
Application Form
Declaration of Compliance
Evidence of Ownership of rights
Development Budget

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