Monday, 26 May 2008

Ok, stage one done, stage two and three to go

I got the first set of forms done and in the post ahead of the deadline.

Here's how the worklist is going:

Meet with Screen WM - call scheduled for the afternoon of May 27

Revise own CV - done despite managing to delete it at least once.

Revise producer's CV - done

Complete application form(s) - delegated

Logline (25 words) - done

1/2 page Synopsis - done (but looking a bit thin...)

10 page Outline (the current version is 40 pages!) - about 1/3 done
(this is a bugger to finish!)

Revised 55 page Outline - I think this is done, hard to tell...
(I sent it to 5 people for feedback over six weeks ago, and not one of
them has yet got back to me. I just hope it's not utterly embarrassing)

Writer's Notes on future development - barely started

Buy mother's birthday present - no idea what to get ma this year!

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