Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Juggling too much, I'm going to start dropping balls soon...

I suspect it's a familiar feeling at this time of year - the usual
lunacy of life and work and a 60 hour work week, plus preparing for
Dubai Film Festival (prep and print publicity materials, script polish,
dig suitable clothes out of storage, wash/mend, cut hair, replace broken
suitcase, track down missing cheques, order cash...) and for
you-know-what on the 25th (buy presents, pack and post stuff to
Australian rellies, etc), while booking travel for all my clients
(Turkey, Ireland, Bulgaria and Spain this week) and fending off their
flu germs.

Squinting at the timetable, It's doable, but only if nothing goes off
schedule in the next 5 days, and I don't make any bread.
Oh, and I don't try to find time to eat this week.

Ok, back to the schedule now...

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