Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Things that make day to day life in a stone hovel possible

- in no particular order.

The SolarVenti:
No mould. No weasels. No birds' nests. 'nuff said.

as ugly as sin, but over the past 3 years they have survived fire,
flood, burial in several inches of mud, squatters, attack by starving
mice - and, after a rinse, they came up as bright and and yellow and
obnoxious as ever. They are warm, non-slip, keep my feet toes and
practically glow in the dark.

Bright and white and tiny and cheap, and all the power they need can be
supplied in a few cranks of a handle. Who needs electricity?

The wind-up radio:
I just wish it would charge on sunlight while I was away; the old one
did, but this one is stubborn, and likes me to pay attention to its
handle if I want to hear some Handel.

Paper Towels:
I buy recycled and use it for *everything* before it goes into the fire.

Hand sanitiser:

The blow-poker!
This is a superb invention - a long hollow steel tube with a mouthpiece
at one end and two prongs on the other. Wedge it between the logs, blow
- and rouse the dampest fire into action in seconds...

An insulated travel mug:
Keeps tea warm for at least 40 minutes.


It's snowing again.

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