Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Bodyshock - my unconscious claimed back its hours sleep this morning

Normally I wake up at 6, and have made it all the way through Radio 4,
tea, shower, teeth, stockings and train by 7, so that I can start
writing over coffee by 7.30.
This morning - well, I blame the clock change this weekend. When I
stared at the dial through blurry eyes it read 7.29....

So today is a crash day, when the timetable trips over itself.

Mind you, looking at yesterday's schedule, I begin to understand why my
sleeping self - blew a raspberry at the alarm and turned over:

6.00 am - burble to consciousness and reach for Radio ('John Naughtie,
I wish I knew how to quit you')
7.30 am - get off train 1 or 2 stop early, to get some walking in.
Ladder stockings.
7.45 am - coffee - and a 2 hour stint in Ethiopia
9.00 am - Work. Good day - managed to (almost) clear my in-tray..
2.00 pm - Lunch time! Queue in M&S for more stockings.
3.00 pm - Work. It's quiet. Too quiet ... does that mean someone is
going to spring a deadline on me at 5.55...?
5.55 pm - No! First time out of the door on time in a week! Yay
6.00 pm -30 mins walk - to shake invoices, petty cash, payroll issues
out of my head.

(I walked past the street where Jack Aubrey stood in the Pillory and
started to imagine the reintroduction of Judicially prescribed Public
Humiliation for members of the current government. Pillories for
politicians and Stocks for bankers. This cheers me up no end.

6.45 pm - Sandwich, and time to return Ethiopia - (It's hard to
concentrate this late, but I need to finish this draft before Easter and
a 10 day break full of family. I can never write with family around.
It wouldn't be fair to spend 4+ hours a day *in another place listening
to imaginary friends in my head* when there are real people around.

10.00 pm - Home. Unpack groceries. Check email. Hang up laundry.
Brush teeth, Listen to news, yawn
11.00 pm go Bed.

Seriously - looking at that?
Fun day. Productive Day. But insanely long, and 5 times a week!
If I was me, 'd turn over and go to sleep!

Opps - now I'm late for work - gangway!

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